Saturday, May 2, 2015

The week in college/Stark series 2'by4'

The week in college
The first thing I will say is that when I think about making art, I think about how it will be viewed years from now. I'm hoping to convey a concept or situation. The first thing I noticed in college was the building & just how many chairs there were. So many people and so many chairs, and that's how this piece began.
I took a short one-week college program in February, I explored  potential careers or programs I might enjoy learning. 
My past school experiences were quite harsh. This STARK piece reflects my fears, and anxiety of being in such a stressful environment once again......The black gouged sphere represents the so-called elephant in the room, The pressure, hopes and fears of students going to College in a somewhat uncertain future. 
Lol. I love my stark series! 

Personally I had a fantastic week in college. At the end I decided not to go to school but to find my dream job of being a high-rise window washer. Believe it or not I actually got the job!
Ps. One of these chairs is just a square. Maybe you can find it? 

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